International Debt Collection

International Commission charged from 22%

Charting International Waters

When a customer based overseas owes you money, one of the key concerns for businesses and organisations is that they may need to write the money off as a bad debt. However, Guildways International debt collection service can give you the confidence to pursue these debts no matter where they are in the world. As our service moves out of the UK and into International regions, it remains No Collection-No Fee, and you can view details on our full international commission rates below.

An International Pedigree 25 Years in the Making

Guildways began life as a department of our sister company, Lovetts Solicitors, which was founded in 1994. International services have always been carried out on a no collection, no fee basis, and during this time our international debt collection team has reached:







Experience meets research

Doing business with customers around the world can create more opportunities, open up new markets, and create significant business growth. However, operating in more uncharted territories, particularly with customers you have never met before face to face, can make it more difficult to ensure timely payment. Not only will your customers be in different time zones but also they are likely to work to different laws and businesses customs especially when it comes to debt and payment.

With a team of in-house experts on-the ground networks, Guildways International debt collection experience is second to none. To give us the best chance of collecting the debt, we research the history of the debt, and any contractual issues that may be compromising payment. This includes gathering information about your customer and identifying the key personnel who may authorise payment.

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About us

With 25 years experience in UK & International debt collection, Guildways service is second to none.

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We use our experience to provide a tailored approach to different industries. You can see some of the key sectors we work in here.

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Our pricing structure is completely transparent, operating on a No Collection, No Fee basis, and you can read about it in full here.

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